Hello World,
I am officially home for Christmas. It's a nice feeling being home. It has also snowed over night, and that just adds to the Christmas fun. I stayed an extra day at school to work. I have really enjoyed working at IC's bookstore. It's a lot more fun than my last job. My boss has recently gotten married and is soon to be retiring at the end of this month. I have really enjoyed working with her and will miss her. I wish her nothing but luck with her retirement!
I was told last night that Katie and her family are safely home. I am so excited to see them soon. I know they are having a great time in Switzerland but I do miss them. Grandma Mary, JT, and I will be visiting them this summer. It really cannot come fast enough. I just really am grateful for this trip. I would love to see where the girls have been living and show me where they have been going to school and the parks that they play at.
I have recently been chosen to be Sigma Phi Epsilon's Vice President next semester. I really wanted this position. I have really loved being in Phips these past years and wanted to do something big for it. I am nervous and still have to work some things out before the new semester, but I am positive I can do my absolute best.
I am hoping that over break that I will be able to re-read some Harry Potter. I really loved growing up and having daddy keen read them to me. I have re-read them before but I would love to do it again. They are just such cool stories. Shannon actually got me a necklace with Harry's glasses and scar and a coffee mug that turns into the Marauder's Map (kind of geeked out #sorrynotsorry).
That's all I have for now. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed (:
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Getting Back into It
Hello World!
Being back at school, I find myself writing less and less. I do not like the habit I have gotten myself into. I love blogging and I love when people tell me they read it and enjoyed it. I want desperately to get back to posting every Sunday.
About a week ago I officially ended my role as rush captain for my society. It was the best position I have held, and probably ever will hold. Getting to introduce girls to Phips and getting them excited about it was amazing. We ended up gaining wonderful, smart, beautiful women. I almost cried on Bid Day because I was so happy it was over and we had the best run home. I will never forget that moment, and I am so thankful my sisters allowed me to be the face of Phips.
This weekend I am going home to vote early. I think it's important to vote because it is a right not given to many. Also, I am going to JT's playoff game! It's a home game, and there's only two left before state. Fingers crossed that they go all the way!!!
*Kitty Justice says "hi world!"*
That's all for now. Thanks for reading.
Being back at school, I find myself writing less and less. I do not like the habit I have gotten myself into. I love blogging and I love when people tell me they read it and enjoyed it. I want desperately to get back to posting every Sunday.
About a week ago I officially ended my role as rush captain for my society. It was the best position I have held, and probably ever will hold. Getting to introduce girls to Phips and getting them excited about it was amazing. We ended up gaining wonderful, smart, beautiful women. I almost cried on Bid Day because I was so happy it was over and we had the best run home. I will never forget that moment, and I am so thankful my sisters allowed me to be the face of Phips.
This weekend I am going home to vote early. I think it's important to vote because it is a right not given to many. Also, I am going to JT's playoff game! It's a home game, and there's only two left before state. Fingers crossed that they go all the way!!!
*Kitty Justice says "hi world!"*
That's all for now. Thanks for reading.
Monday, October 3, 2016
'Cause You Gotta Be a Phip
Hello World,
It has been almost two months since I last wrote a blog post. This is so uncommon for me. I love to post every week. It helps me put all my thoughts down into one place, and it helps get me ready for my upcoming week. I guess the reason I am writing now is because I have a lot on my mind...
I have been back at Illinois College for about six weeks. These six weeks have consisted of adjusting to apartment life, settling into new classes, and making sure I can hold a successful rush season. It almost seems like rush and class work are on my mind 24/7. It can be overwhelming. However, it is also helping me with time management. It leaves me very little time for myself. I often have to remind myself why I am putting myself through all this.
I have been able to keep up with classes. I do not feel as if I am behind in anyway. I also make sure I am putting that before anything. So far, so good.
Being the rush captain this year has allowed me to grow in many ways. I am more organized because if I am not, it would eat me alive. I have learn how to communicate better with others because without that, no one would be where they needed to be. I have fallen even more in love with Sigma Phi Epsilon Literary Society, and I could not be more grateful for that. Looking around and getting a behind the scenes look at Greek life, has opened my eyes as to why I rushed Phips and why others should too. I should never feel embarrassed or silenced about why I am a Phip. Being a Phip means you are classy, smart, beautiful, caring, social, forgiving, ect. No one can compare, so why not brag a little about my society and my sisters.
Sigma Phi Epsilon holds the Female Literary Society GPA Award. My sisters work hard for that. We know that before we can go have fun, our homework and grades better be up to Phips standers. We hold the Love Cup Award. This award is given to the society with the best Literary Productions. My sisters spend countless hours writing, memorizing, and studying their pieces before a production. We hold ourselves to very high standers because we expect nothing less from each other. I know I have personally benefited from giving production pieces. I am so much more confident in presenting a speech, and it's really amazing. We also hold the Service Award. We clock the most hours of service year after year. We know service is important not only for us, but especially for the ones we are helping. I am proud to be apart of something so much bigger than myself.
* PC '15 *
With that being said, we do hold many more awards as well. I personally like to strive for these three because we stand for "Knowledge, Love, and Service" and we always are able to uphold that. I know that after 100 years our founders would be proud of what we are able to accomplish each year. We stand out. We love each other. We help not only sisters, but our sounding communities. We are the women of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
SO for those of you rushing this fall, find your home. Find your sisters. Branch out and join something that will not only change your life but ones around it. Go see what each society has to offer, but know I love my society above all else. Let me help you find your home somewhere in Smith House.
Miss Polly Keen
It has been almost two months since I last wrote a blog post. This is so uncommon for me. I love to post every week. It helps me put all my thoughts down into one place, and it helps get me ready for my upcoming week. I guess the reason I am writing now is because I have a lot on my mind...
I have been back at Illinois College for about six weeks. These six weeks have consisted of adjusting to apartment life, settling into new classes, and making sure I can hold a successful rush season. It almost seems like rush and class work are on my mind 24/7. It can be overwhelming. However, it is also helping me with time management. It leaves me very little time for myself. I often have to remind myself why I am putting myself through all this.
I have been able to keep up with classes. I do not feel as if I am behind in anyway. I also make sure I am putting that before anything. So far, so good.
Being the rush captain this year has allowed me to grow in many ways. I am more organized because if I am not, it would eat me alive. I have learn how to communicate better with others because without that, no one would be where they needed to be. I have fallen even more in love with Sigma Phi Epsilon Literary Society, and I could not be more grateful for that. Looking around and getting a behind the scenes look at Greek life, has opened my eyes as to why I rushed Phips and why others should too. I should never feel embarrassed or silenced about why I am a Phip. Being a Phip means you are classy, smart, beautiful, caring, social, forgiving, ect. No one can compare, so why not brag a little about my society and my sisters.
Sigma Phi Epsilon holds the Female Literary Society GPA Award. My sisters work hard for that. We know that before we can go have fun, our homework and grades better be up to Phips standers. We hold the Love Cup Award. This award is given to the society with the best Literary Productions. My sisters spend countless hours writing, memorizing, and studying their pieces before a production. We hold ourselves to very high standers because we expect nothing less from each other. I know I have personally benefited from giving production pieces. I am so much more confident in presenting a speech, and it's really amazing. We also hold the Service Award. We clock the most hours of service year after year. We know service is important not only for us, but especially for the ones we are helping. I am proud to be apart of something so much bigger than myself.
* PC '15 *
With that being said, we do hold many more awards as well. I personally like to strive for these three because we stand for "Knowledge, Love, and Service" and we always are able to uphold that. I know that after 100 years our founders would be proud of what we are able to accomplish each year. We stand out. We love each other. We help not only sisters, but our sounding communities. We are the women of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
SO for those of you rushing this fall, find your home. Find your sisters. Branch out and join something that will not only change your life but ones around it. Go see what each society has to offer, but know I love my society above all else. Let me help you find your home somewhere in Smith House.
Miss Polly Keen
Monday, August 8, 2016
Back to Reality
Hello World,
Everything is back to normal. I'm home and getting use to my normal routine. Not a whole lot has happened this week. I has able to get together with family and get some things ready for school. I'm ready to get back. I want to move in just so I can get everything organized and ready for first semester. I did however get time to read the new Harry Potter book! I really enjoyed it. I think my favorite part was being back with the characters and read about new adventures they had to face. It took me back to being a child and reading them for the first time with daddy keen and wishing I could live in that world. For me, reading Harry Potter is just pure joy.
Last Thursday, my family and I went out to Springfield Muni Opera and saw "Nice Work If You Can Get It." It was such a great show, so to all those involved, CONGRATS! I loved seeing a new show. It was funny, the music and sining was wonderful, and the dancing just blew me away. I hope I get to see more shows that give me that joy again.
*Autumn and I after the show. She was wonderful!*
To top this blog off, I would just like to say congratulateions to Ryan Held and the rest of the 4 x 100 relay team for bring the gold home to the USA! It was so cool and surreal to see that all happen. I wish nothing but the best for Ryan and his future with swimming and life. He was such a kind and smart friend who always walked the halls with a smile and said "hello." I got to see him race a few times in high school and I thought he was fast then, but seeing his last night blew my mind. The coolest thing was honestly seeing the pure happiness on his face. Just really awesome. (:
Until next week,
P.S. I cannot wait to see the Stringer girls (and Chris) this week!!!
Everything is back to normal. I'm home and getting use to my normal routine. Not a whole lot has happened this week. I has able to get together with family and get some things ready for school. I'm ready to get back. I want to move in just so I can get everything organized and ready for first semester. I did however get time to read the new Harry Potter book! I really enjoyed it. I think my favorite part was being back with the characters and read about new adventures they had to face. It took me back to being a child and reading them for the first time with daddy keen and wishing I could live in that world. For me, reading Harry Potter is just pure joy.
Last Thursday, my family and I went out to Springfield Muni Opera and saw "Nice Work If You Can Get It." It was such a great show, so to all those involved, CONGRATS! I loved seeing a new show. It was funny, the music and sining was wonderful, and the dancing just blew me away. I hope I get to see more shows that give me that joy again.
*Autumn and I after the show. She was wonderful!*
To top this blog off, I would just like to say congratulateions to Ryan Held and the rest of the 4 x 100 relay team for bring the gold home to the USA! It was so cool and surreal to see that all happen. I wish nothing but the best for Ryan and his future with swimming and life. He was such a kind and smart friend who always walked the halls with a smile and said "hello." I got to see him race a few times in high school and I thought he was fast then, but seeing his last night blew my mind. The coolest thing was honestly seeing the pure happiness on his face. Just really awesome. (:
Until next week,
P.S. I cannot wait to see the Stringer girls (and Chris) this week!!!
Monday, August 1, 2016
My Summer at Blue Ridge
Hello World,
When I look back at my summer at Blue Ridge, I know I did it right. I love the people I met, my working environment was fun, and I went on great adventures that Illinois cannot give me. It's so surreal to think I am already home. I remember telling my family last Thanksgiving that I as applying, and right after New Years I did just that. So thank you to Jordan Domin for hiring me! There is no other way I would have wanted to spend my summer. I feel like working at Blue Ridge has also brought me closer to family members who I don't get to see vey often (because of distance). I have loved talking to them about their time in the mountains and sharing stories.
Last Wednesday I was able to go white water rafting with USA Raft. It was such a great time! Our guide, Tori, was awesome and the views were beautiful! I really wish I was able to do it more often. I think it is becoming one of my favorite things to do. I was in the very front of the boat, and I think that's the most fun part. I loved paddling and getting splashed by the river. I kept wishing there was some way for me to take pictures. Maybe I need to invest in a water proof camera. There's nothing that compares.
My dad and brother came and picked me up. They stayed a few days on the mountains, so on Friday we went to Biltmore Estate. Let me tell you, if you ever have the chance to visit please do! It was my second time going and I am even more in love with it. The history behind it is amazing, and the details put into the house are so cool. The things they were able to accomplish during that time was mind blowing. It was built by George Vanderbilt II in the late 1800s and remains the largest privately owned home in the United States. Everything in the house comes from some other part of the world. George went around and brought things back that he thought would work well in his home. It was also one of the first homes to have electricity. I could get lost for hours just looking and reading and asking questions, but hopefully you will be able to experience it one day.
*dad and I in front on their observing ramp*
One of the big jokes in the office this summer was me trying to see a Black Bear. I kept an eye out all summer. There were two or three families of bears that were living on the campuse. It seemed liked everyone else was able to spot them but me. I would go on truck rides at night to try to see one and people would even try to race me back to the spot where they had just seen one. I'm disappointed to say that I never saw one. I just wanted to be able to say I saw the bear in it's home. I think that would have been the coolest thing ever. I guess that just means I have to go back soon and look some more!
My last night there I stayed up until 3:00am and just talked about my summer. I had to be in the car by 6:00am but it was so worth it. I loved looking over the summer with my new friends; friends who I know I will have with me forever. I didn't expect to connect with the staff like I did. The memories I have with them will always be on the mind. Muhammed made fun of me when I tried to learn Turkish (which is one of the hardest languages I have come across), Egor won't tell me every day how I have the best and softest hair he has ever seen, Zoradia won't come walking in with the cutest outfits all the time, Travis tried so hard to help me understand how the Pokémon game worked (which I am getting better at), I won't get to lay on Alyssa's bed listening to her awesome music with Olivia, Kadie won't be making fun of Andrew and get me laughing harder than I needed to, and Leah won't be giving me anymore massages for a long time... These moments will stay with me. Their faces will forever be in my head. I am so lucky to have social media to keep up with them. I am also hoping that my roommate, Tew, will be able to write to me once she is home. I know everyone is where they need to be tough. I think that's why I haven't sob yet. I wish more than anything that I will be able to not only visit my American friends but those in Turkey and Spain and Russia and so on... It has sparked a fire in me that I need to help build. So thank you to everyone on the mountain for giving me the most amazing summer. I hope to see you soon.
*Tew and I with Muhammed photobombing*
I want to also say thank you to my mom, dad, and grandma Mary for sending me love packages this summer, and to Shannon and Josh for their letters. It was fun getting them (:
It was nice coming home to family though. I was able to see everyone at once. My aunt Kathy had her family all together (minus Tommy who was working). Megan brought her adorable family over to celebrate Vivi's first birthday! She and the twins are getting so big and cute. Katie is home from Switzerland with her girls. I have not been able to see them since Christmas and it was so so wonderful to see them! Just playing and hugging on the girls made me so happy. I know they are where the need to be, but it will so great to finally have them home in a year. And of course my mom was over the moon happy to have me back. I know this wasn't easy for her, but it means the world to me that she has been so supportive.
I have been able to post and write about my experience at Blue Ridge and I encourage anyone who wants to, to checkout my earlier blogs and my album "Blue Ridge '16" on Facebook. I tried to capture my summer the best I could. I know I will spend days going back and reminiscing on my time spent with amazing people.
*dad, JT, and I on High Top (a hiking trail at Blue Ridge)*
I was able to read a lot this summer. I loved it. Ian even surprised me by mailing me two of the new books I had my eyes on. I finished one of them already called All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda. This is a great book for anyone who loves mystery novels with a twist. I am currently reading Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler. This one is about a girl moving to NYC for the first time. I am liking it so far, but I may be putting it one hold. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child came out last night! I will most likely be picking up my copy this week (and also finishing it). This just brings back memories of daddy keen reading Harry Potter to me every night growing up. It will Always stick with me...
When I look back at my summer at Blue Ridge, I know I did it right. I love the people I met, my working environment was fun, and I went on great adventures that Illinois cannot give me. It's so surreal to think I am already home. I remember telling my family last Thanksgiving that I as applying, and right after New Years I did just that. So thank you to Jordan Domin for hiring me! There is no other way I would have wanted to spend my summer. I feel like working at Blue Ridge has also brought me closer to family members who I don't get to see vey often (because of distance). I have loved talking to them about their time in the mountains and sharing stories.
Last Wednesday I was able to go white water rafting with USA Raft. It was such a great time! Our guide, Tori, was awesome and the views were beautiful! I really wish I was able to do it more often. I think it is becoming one of my favorite things to do. I was in the very front of the boat, and I think that's the most fun part. I loved paddling and getting splashed by the river. I kept wishing there was some way for me to take pictures. Maybe I need to invest in a water proof camera. There's nothing that compares.
My dad and brother came and picked me up. They stayed a few days on the mountains, so on Friday we went to Biltmore Estate. Let me tell you, if you ever have the chance to visit please do! It was my second time going and I am even more in love with it. The history behind it is amazing, and the details put into the house are so cool. The things they were able to accomplish during that time was mind blowing. It was built by George Vanderbilt II in the late 1800s and remains the largest privately owned home in the United States. Everything in the house comes from some other part of the world. George went around and brought things back that he thought would work well in his home. It was also one of the first homes to have electricity. I could get lost for hours just looking and reading and asking questions, but hopefully you will be able to experience it one day.
*dad and I in front on their observing ramp*
One of the big jokes in the office this summer was me trying to see a Black Bear. I kept an eye out all summer. There were two or three families of bears that were living on the campuse. It seemed liked everyone else was able to spot them but me. I would go on truck rides at night to try to see one and people would even try to race me back to the spot where they had just seen one. I'm disappointed to say that I never saw one. I just wanted to be able to say I saw the bear in it's home. I think that would have been the coolest thing ever. I guess that just means I have to go back soon and look some more!
My last night there I stayed up until 3:00am and just talked about my summer. I had to be in the car by 6:00am but it was so worth it. I loved looking over the summer with my new friends; friends who I know I will have with me forever. I didn't expect to connect with the staff like I did. The memories I have with them will always be on the mind. Muhammed made fun of me when I tried to learn Turkish (which is one of the hardest languages I have come across), Egor won't tell me every day how I have the best and softest hair he has ever seen, Zoradia won't come walking in with the cutest outfits all the time, Travis tried so hard to help me understand how the Pokémon game worked (which I am getting better at), I won't get to lay on Alyssa's bed listening to her awesome music with Olivia, Kadie won't be making fun of Andrew and get me laughing harder than I needed to, and Leah won't be giving me anymore massages for a long time... These moments will stay with me. Their faces will forever be in my head. I am so lucky to have social media to keep up with them. I am also hoping that my roommate, Tew, will be able to write to me once she is home. I know everyone is where they need to be tough. I think that's why I haven't sob yet. I wish more than anything that I will be able to not only visit my American friends but those in Turkey and Spain and Russia and so on... It has sparked a fire in me that I need to help build. So thank you to everyone on the mountain for giving me the most amazing summer. I hope to see you soon.
*Tew and I with Muhammed photobombing*
I want to also say thank you to my mom, dad, and grandma Mary for sending me love packages this summer, and to Shannon and Josh for their letters. It was fun getting them (:
It was nice coming home to family though. I was able to see everyone at once. My aunt Kathy had her family all together (minus Tommy who was working). Megan brought her adorable family over to celebrate Vivi's first birthday! She and the twins are getting so big and cute. Katie is home from Switzerland with her girls. I have not been able to see them since Christmas and it was so so wonderful to see them! Just playing and hugging on the girls made me so happy. I know they are where the need to be, but it will so great to finally have them home in a year. And of course my mom was over the moon happy to have me back. I know this wasn't easy for her, but it means the world to me that she has been so supportive.
I have been able to post and write about my experience at Blue Ridge and I encourage anyone who wants to, to checkout my earlier blogs and my album "Blue Ridge '16" on Facebook. I tried to capture my summer the best I could. I know I will spend days going back and reminiscing on my time spent with amazing people.
*dad, JT, and I on High Top (a hiking trail at Blue Ridge)*
I was able to read a lot this summer. I loved it. Ian even surprised me by mailing me two of the new books I had my eyes on. I finished one of them already called All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda. This is a great book for anyone who loves mystery novels with a twist. I am currently reading Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler. This one is about a girl moving to NYC for the first time. I am liking it so far, but I may be putting it one hold. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child came out last night! I will most likely be picking up my copy this week (and also finishing it). This just brings back memories of daddy keen reading Harry Potter to me every night growing up. It will Always stick with me...

Monday, July 25, 2016
Last Week Best Week
Hello World,
Sorry this post is a day later. I had a busy Sunday that left me really tired. I didn't get a lot of sleep Saturday night because I stayed up and talked to some of the people here. It was a really fun time. I had to be up early on Sunday because of group of us went to Dollywood. I had never been before and wanted to check it out. I will say this, I had a great time and loved the rollercoasters. I do wish the park would have been bigger. It was fun, but I think I am going to stick to Six Flags. I was very sore and tired when I finally got back to my room so I decided to wait until today to type all this out.
It has also hit me that this is my last week here at Blue Ridge. It's really hard for me to believe that I have spent seven weeks here already. The time as gone by so quickly. I love the people I have been able to meet here. I think that is what I will miss the most about being here. I sat around a table last night and just smiled at the people I was with. I truly am going to miss everyone here. However, I am so ready to get home. I have a lot I need to do before school, and I'm missing the people back at home.
*myself, Bekah, and TL*
We took an all staff picture last week in front of Eureka Hall. The picture will hang in the café now, along with all the others. I think it's really cool how I will now be on the wall with my dad, aunts, and cousins. I'm sure that I will come back and find the picture and just reminisce on my summer here.
That's all I have for this blog. Thanks for reading and make sure to click the "follow" button to keep up with my blogs (:
Sorry this post is a day later. I had a busy Sunday that left me really tired. I didn't get a lot of sleep Saturday night because I stayed up and talked to some of the people here. It was a really fun time. I had to be up early on Sunday because of group of us went to Dollywood. I had never been before and wanted to check it out. I will say this, I had a great time and loved the rollercoasters. I do wish the park would have been bigger. It was fun, but I think I am going to stick to Six Flags. I was very sore and tired when I finally got back to my room so I decided to wait until today to type all this out.
It has also hit me that this is my last week here at Blue Ridge. It's really hard for me to believe that I have spent seven weeks here already. The time as gone by so quickly. I love the people I have been able to meet here. I think that is what I will miss the most about being here. I sat around a table last night and just smiled at the people I was with. I truly am going to miss everyone here. However, I am so ready to get home. I have a lot I need to do before school, and I'm missing the people back at home.
*myself, Bekah, and TL*
We took an all staff picture last week in front of Eureka Hall. The picture will hang in the café now, along with all the others. I think it's really cool how I will now be on the wall with my dad, aunts, and cousins. I'm sure that I will come back and find the picture and just reminisce on my summer here.
That's all I have for this blog. Thanks for reading and make sure to click the "follow" button to keep up with my blogs (:
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Moving Fast
Hello World,
Well I officially have less than two weeks here in the mountains. It's the strangest feeling knowing that this amazing summer is coming to its end. I have loved being here and getting to know the people and all the great adventures I have had. I have a lot planned for the next two weeks!
I am excited to be home though. I have a lot to do before I head back to IC. I want to look into my classes, get ready for Rush, and maybe pick up a few things for the apartment. I am so excited to move in. I am also excited for Rush. I have a lot of ideas swimming around in my head now. If you want to keep involved with what I and my society is doing, follow us on twitter: @SigPhips and instagram: @phips1916
Being here gets me excited about possible travels I have in my head. One of the trips I am hoping to plan is one to Alaska. I have some family moving there this summer. I would love to be able to get out there next summer. Fingers crossed!
This past week a group of us went out to get some food in Asheville. We went to White Duck Taco Shop. Literally the best tasting tacos I have ever had; 10/10 would recommend. I ended up with the fish tacos and I think it is my new favorite thing to eat. Springfield needs to open one ASAP. I need to go back before I leave for home.
*found this wall behind the taco shop*
That's all I have for this week. My next one should be exciting so make sure you read.
Well I officially have less than two weeks here in the mountains. It's the strangest feeling knowing that this amazing summer is coming to its end. I have loved being here and getting to know the people and all the great adventures I have had. I have a lot planned for the next two weeks!
I am excited to be home though. I have a lot to do before I head back to IC. I want to look into my classes, get ready for Rush, and maybe pick up a few things for the apartment. I am so excited to move in. I am also excited for Rush. I have a lot of ideas swimming around in my head now. If you want to keep involved with what I and my society is doing, follow us on twitter: @SigPhips and instagram: @phips1916
Being here gets me excited about possible travels I have in my head. One of the trips I am hoping to plan is one to Alaska. I have some family moving there this summer. I would love to be able to get out there next summer. Fingers crossed!
This past week a group of us went out to get some food in Asheville. We went to White Duck Taco Shop. Literally the best tasting tacos I have ever had; 10/10 would recommend. I ended up with the fish tacos and I think it is my new favorite thing to eat. Springfield needs to open one ASAP. I need to go back before I leave for home.
*found this wall behind the taco shop*
That's all I have for this week. My next one should be exciting so make sure you read.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
...but it's Saturday?
Hello World,
Yes, I know that this is not my normal day to blog. We have had a lot of trouble with the wifi this week, and I wanted to make sure that I was able to post this weekend. So for right now I have wifi and I am taking full advantage of it. Happy Saturday!
Right now, outside the entrance of Blue Ridge, a tree has fallen in the middle of the road and has taken some power lines with it. The company working on it is hopeful that it will be fixed by tonight. As of right now, there is only one building with power, wifi, and AC: Blue Ridge Center (BRC). It's a busy weekend here. We had four large groups come in last night. Also, last night a group of the staff went to Launch Trampoline Park in Asheville. It was actually so much fun! I had never been to a trampoline park before and wasn't sure if I would feel "too old" for it. But being the child at heart that I am, I had a blast. I would highly recommend going to one. I even think they are opening one back in Springfield, IL soon...
This past Monday, as you all realized, was the Fourth of July! A group of us ended up going to a parade in a town over. We also ended up going paddle boating that afternoon. I couldn't tell you the last time I was able to do that so it was that much better. Later that night we went into downtown Black Mountain for the fireworks. We were even able to find an ice cream shop near by and I got Carmel Ripple in a fresh, handmade waffle cone (talk about heaven). We ate the ice cream while watching the fireworks. It was a lot of fun. I was also able to talk and get to know Maria. She grew up in Columbia but now lives in Italy with her boyfriend. She is such a sweet, kind, and intelligent women. I'm very lucky to call her a friend now.
Today I was able to catch up with my cousin Heather. It was so so wonderful to see her. She's in Asheville for a visit and asked if we could have lunch. We just talked and caught up with what we're doing in life. I haven't seen her in a little over a year and have missed her. It's so cool that no matter where I go, it always seems to work out that I have some family near by. I hope I get to sit down with her again soon. Thank you for a wonderful afternoon Heather!
I'll leave you with the book I am currently reading. It's the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. I have a huge book with all seven in one. Right now I am on book five, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I have been speeding through them! They just pull me in and are really well written. I would highly recommend if anyone just wants to read a good "fairy tale," as Lewis refers to them. However, I think they are so much more than that...
Yes, I know that this is not my normal day to blog. We have had a lot of trouble with the wifi this week, and I wanted to make sure that I was able to post this weekend. So for right now I have wifi and I am taking full advantage of it. Happy Saturday!
Right now, outside the entrance of Blue Ridge, a tree has fallen in the middle of the road and has taken some power lines with it. The company working on it is hopeful that it will be fixed by tonight. As of right now, there is only one building with power, wifi, and AC: Blue Ridge Center (BRC). It's a busy weekend here. We had four large groups come in last night. Also, last night a group of the staff went to Launch Trampoline Park in Asheville. It was actually so much fun! I had never been to a trampoline park before and wasn't sure if I would feel "too old" for it. But being the child at heart that I am, I had a blast. I would highly recommend going to one. I even think they are opening one back in Springfield, IL soon...
This past Monday, as you all realized, was the Fourth of July! A group of us ended up going to a parade in a town over. We also ended up going paddle boating that afternoon. I couldn't tell you the last time I was able to do that so it was that much better. Later that night we went into downtown Black Mountain for the fireworks. We were even able to find an ice cream shop near by and I got Carmel Ripple in a fresh, handmade waffle cone (talk about heaven). We ate the ice cream while watching the fireworks. It was a lot of fun. I was also able to talk and get to know Maria. She grew up in Columbia but now lives in Italy with her boyfriend. She is such a sweet, kind, and intelligent women. I'm very lucky to call her a friend now.
Today I was able to catch up with my cousin Heather. It was so so wonderful to see her. She's in Asheville for a visit and asked if we could have lunch. We just talked and caught up with what we're doing in life. I haven't seen her in a little over a year and have missed her. It's so cool that no matter where I go, it always seems to work out that I have some family near by. I hope I get to sit down with her again soon. Thank you for a wonderful afternoon Heather!
I'll leave you with the book I am currently reading. It's the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. I have a huge book with all seven in one. Right now I am on book five, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I have been speeding through them! They just pull me in and are really well written. I would highly recommend if anyone just wants to read a good "fairy tale," as Lewis refers to them. However, I think they are so much more than that...
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Dresses, Face Masks, and the Mountains
Hello World,
I really don't have a lot to say in this post. I don't find myself having a lot of inspiration at the moment. I have been working very late all week and just want to find time to sleep. Tonight I have showered and put on a nice face mask to help me calm down. I am putting on The Cornicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and going to bed. I am actually in the process of reading all seven of the books and am currently on the third book, The Horse and his Boy. Today I went on a little hiking adventure. I didn't get very far up the mountain only because I found a little river and wanted to just listen and take some pictures. I am hoping that on Tuesday some of us are heading into Asheville for some shopping. I would really love to pick up some t-shirt dresses.
That is really all I have for this week. I think I am just tired from working so much. I do love the amount of hours I get, but sometimes I don't think it would be all that bad to have the morning shift. Anyway, until next week...
P.S. I would just like to congratulate Ryan Held on making Team USA for swimming. I'll be praying and cheering you on! #Rio2016
I really don't have a lot to say in this post. I don't find myself having a lot of inspiration at the moment. I have been working very late all week and just want to find time to sleep. Tonight I have showered and put on a nice face mask to help me calm down. I am putting on The Cornicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and going to bed. I am actually in the process of reading all seven of the books and am currently on the third book, The Horse and his Boy. Today I went on a little hiking adventure. I didn't get very far up the mountain only because I found a little river and wanted to just listen and take some pictures. I am hoping that on Tuesday some of us are heading into Asheville for some shopping. I would really love to pick up some t-shirt dresses.
That is really all I have for this week. I think I am just tired from working so much. I do love the amount of hours I get, but sometimes I don't think it would be all that bad to have the morning shift. Anyway, until next week...
P.S. I would just like to congratulate Ryan Held on making Team USA for swimming. I'll be praying and cheering you on! #Rio2016
Sunday, June 19, 2016
"Nothing could be finer..."
Hello World!
I can't believe another week has past here in North Carolina. The time seems to be going so fast. One thing I am loving about being here is how I don't hold myself back. I find myself opening up and doing things I normally wouldn't. It really is a great feeling. I am learning that nothing is finer than finding out you aren't limited. There is a whole world out there with so many things to do and see. If you have a desire to travel the world, there are options/jobs out there to do so. If you wish to own your own company or become a leader, there are ways to achieve it. I think in life we get so caught up in finding that "perfect" job that we lose sight of what else we could do. We graduate college with a degree in Biology or Communications or English, and we think we have to do something in that field. Sure there is nothing wrong with that, but do not stress and limit yourself to one thing. Branch out and learn something new about yourself. Take that risk and apply for the job out of state or even out of the country! Do something that has nothing to do with your major and reward yourself when you kick butt doing it. We can literally do ANYTHING, but some times it take some searching...
Yesterday Alyssa, Olivia, and I found the most interesting food truck. It is called Juice Box and they sell organic and vegan foods and drinks. I wanted to find a nice smoothie place and we stumbled upon it. They even had a chicken coop where they get fresh eggs for some of their meal options. We only got smoothies yeaterday, but we all really want to do back for breakfast or lunch soon.
That is all I really have for this week. Thursday morning I will be flying home for dad's ordination. I am excited to be home for a few days to see family (Granny Polly!!!) and Ian and Shannon. It will be a nice break from work. Speaking of work, I am working the night shift all week so pray for me LOL
p.s. I keep finding myself picking up little gifts to mail off to TD and Shan... I just miss them and can't wait to live with them in the fall!
Hello World!
I can't believe another week has past here in North Carolina. The time seems to be going so fast. One thing I am loving about being here is how I don't hold myself back. I find myself opening up and doing things I normally wouldn't. It really is a great feeling. I am learning that nothing is finer than finding out you aren't limited. There is a whole world out there with so many things to do and see. If you have a desire to travel the world, there are options/jobs out there to do so. If you wish to own your own company or become a leader, there are ways to achieve it. I think in life we get so caught up in finding that "perfect" job that we lose sight of what else we could do. We graduate college with a degree in Biology or Communications or English, and we think we have to do something in that field. Sure there is nothing wrong with that, but do not stress and limit yourself to one thing. Branch out and learn something new about yourself. Take that risk and apply for the job out of state or even out of the country! Do something that has nothing to do with your major and reward yourself when you kick butt doing it. We can literally do ANYTHING, but some times it take some searching...
Yesterday Alyssa, Olivia, and I found the most interesting food truck. It is called Juice Box and they sell organic and vegan foods and drinks. I wanted to find a nice smoothie place and we stumbled upon it. They even had a chicken coop where they get fresh eggs for some of their meal options. We only got smoothies yeaterday, but we all really want to do back for breakfast or lunch soon.
That is all I really have for this week. Thursday morning I will be flying home for dad's ordination. I am excited to be home for a few days to see family (Granny Polly!!!) and Ian and Shannon. It will be a nice break from work. Speaking of work, I am working the night shift all week so pray for me LOL
p.s. I keep finding myself picking up little gifts to mail off to TD and Shan... I just miss them and can't wait to live with them in the fall!
Sunday, June 12, 2016
682 Miles from Home
Hello World,
Well I'm here; Black Mountain, NC. It was a long ten hour drive but we stopped for iced coffee, so all was well. As of right now, I have spent a little over a week here at YMCA Blue Ridge. Now let me tell you this... it threw me way out of my element when I arrived here. I have never been so overwhelmed or nervous for anything. It was so unlike me. I like to think of myself as a loud, outgoing, and friendly person. However, the first few days here I was so in my shell that it honestly scared me. I had never experienced that feeling before. Being a week into this adventure has really helped me. I have opened up and met some really cool people. I am beginning to feel like myself again. Who knew this would throw me off so much. I am glad I have been able to let lose over this past week and become comfortable here.
The people here are so amazing. Everyone is so so friendly and comfortable in this environment. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced. I am so blessed to be here right now. I have made friends from all over the country and world! I love hearing where they are from and what they are doing in school. I love seeing different personalities come out. It has really opened my mind and reminded me to be welcoming to all. My roommate is Tew. She is from Thailand, and this is her first time in America. She really seems to like it here. Her English is not the best, but we do our best with communicating. She is so nice and helpful. She will be here until the end of August. I am lucky enough to be sounded by 13 different countries while I am here. I am living with kids from Thailand, Japan, China, Spain, Italy, Turkey, and Russia to just name a few. There are seven kids from Russia here, and I think it's safe to say they will have the biggest impact on me (besides the Americans). They are the most outgoing kids. There is truly never a dull moment when they are all together. Their English is not the best, but in the last week alone they have improved so much. They want to leave here knowing English pretty well. I am also trying to pick up on simple words. They laugh at me when I am trying to pronounce a new word (the roles have now reversed). They love having fun and just hanging out with Americans. Just yesterday I sat down and Michael (his American name) was able to show me where he is from on Google maps. I then told him about President Lincoln (who he knew) and about the Civil War. He just ate it up. I am so blessed to be able to be given this opportunity to met all these wonderful people. Without Blue Ridge I would never be exposed to this kind of culture. It's truly an unbelievable experience.
On Friday we went into Asheville for a Drum Circle downtown. It was a lot of fun. There was dancing and music and the international kids just loved it. They told me that that was true freedom. Being able to do something so opened and out there. They informed me that nothing like that would be see in their countries. It's just an eye opener on how great we really do have it here... Afterwards we got ice cream (I have loved showing them bits of what makes America so fun). One of the guys from Turkey offered to even buy my ice cream because I have helped so much with communication. I have really been trying my best to slow my speaking and listen to them speak so not only are they learning but I am too. It's litte things like that that show me I am blessed.
Also, on a side note, I found a really great book store in Asheville called Malaprop's Bookstore/Café. The book is called Dark Places by Gillian Flynn (also wrote Gone Girl). It is a great mystery novel and has drawn me in from page one.
That is all for this week. I will be posting every Sunday, especially while I am here. If you feel someone would enjoy hearing of my time here, feel free to tag them so they know this blog is here! Also if anyone has any questions regarding where I am, please just comment and I will answer all questions in my next blog.
-PK #PrayForOrlando
Well I'm here; Black Mountain, NC. It was a long ten hour drive but we stopped for iced coffee, so all was well. As of right now, I have spent a little over a week here at YMCA Blue Ridge. Now let me tell you this... it threw me way out of my element when I arrived here. I have never been so overwhelmed or nervous for anything. It was so unlike me. I like to think of myself as a loud, outgoing, and friendly person. However, the first few days here I was so in my shell that it honestly scared me. I had never experienced that feeling before. Being a week into this adventure has really helped me. I have opened up and met some really cool people. I am beginning to feel like myself again. Who knew this would throw me off so much. I am glad I have been able to let lose over this past week and become comfortable here.
The people here are so amazing. Everyone is so so friendly and comfortable in this environment. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced. I am so blessed to be here right now. I have made friends from all over the country and world! I love hearing where they are from and what they are doing in school. I love seeing different personalities come out. It has really opened my mind and reminded me to be welcoming to all. My roommate is Tew. She is from Thailand, and this is her first time in America. She really seems to like it here. Her English is not the best, but we do our best with communicating. She is so nice and helpful. She will be here until the end of August. I am lucky enough to be sounded by 13 different countries while I am here. I am living with kids from Thailand, Japan, China, Spain, Italy, Turkey, and Russia to just name a few. There are seven kids from Russia here, and I think it's safe to say they will have the biggest impact on me (besides the Americans). They are the most outgoing kids. There is truly never a dull moment when they are all together. Their English is not the best, but in the last week alone they have improved so much. They want to leave here knowing English pretty well. I am also trying to pick up on simple words. They laugh at me when I am trying to pronounce a new word (the roles have now reversed). They love having fun and just hanging out with Americans. Just yesterday I sat down and Michael (his American name) was able to show me where he is from on Google maps. I then told him about President Lincoln (who he knew) and about the Civil War. He just ate it up. I am so blessed to be able to be given this opportunity to met all these wonderful people. Without Blue Ridge I would never be exposed to this kind of culture. It's truly an unbelievable experience.
On Friday we went into Asheville for a Drum Circle downtown. It was a lot of fun. There was dancing and music and the international kids just loved it. They told me that that was true freedom. Being able to do something so opened and out there. They informed me that nothing like that would be see in their countries. It's just an eye opener on how great we really do have it here... Afterwards we got ice cream (I have loved showing them bits of what makes America so fun). One of the guys from Turkey offered to even buy my ice cream because I have helped so much with communication. I have really been trying my best to slow my speaking and listen to them speak so not only are they learning but I am too. It's litte things like that that show me I am blessed.
*look at that view*
Also, on a side note, I found a really great book store in Asheville called Malaprop's Bookstore/Café. The book is called Dark Places by Gillian Flynn (also wrote Gone Girl). It is a great mystery novel and has drawn me in from page one.
That is all for this week. I will be posting every Sunday, especially while I am here. If you feel someone would enjoy hearing of my time here, feel free to tag them so they know this blog is here! Also if anyone has any questions regarding where I am, please just comment and I will answer all questions in my next blog.
-PK #PrayForOrlando
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Coffee Coffee Coffee
Hello World,
This past week I visited Jacksonville to see Ian. Little did I know that we would end up at the cutest, tastiest coffee shop I have ever been to. Its name is The Soap Co. Coffee Shop, and I know once I get back to school I will be spending a lot of my time there. It not only sells coffee and pasties/other foods, but it also sells handmade gifts that were either made by people who work there or from people around town. It is a great spot to study as well. I know I will be dragging Shannon and Taylor there the first Sunday morning of the fall semester; they will thank me later!
I had a great iced vanilla coffee that I finished quickly. This morning I was actually craving it. I had not had any coffee until this afternoon, and the only reason I had any at all was to try to help my headache... and it helped... I kind of think I am starting to rely on coffee to help me with my day. I need to start watching it so I do not end up depending on it to function. As much as I loveeeeee coffee, I do not think I need to have to drink it every day. Maybe being away and working will help me.
Speaking of being away, the next time I blog I will be in Black Mountains, NC. My time has finally come! Although I have not yet started packing,(oops) I have done some shopping with Grandma Mary to get myself ready for my time at Blue Ridge. I have loved spending time with her, and I will miss her this summer. With that being said, I will talk to you all in North Carolina!
This past week I visited Jacksonville to see Ian. Little did I know that we would end up at the cutest, tastiest coffee shop I have ever been to. Its name is The Soap Co. Coffee Shop, and I know once I get back to school I will be spending a lot of my time there. It not only sells coffee and pasties/other foods, but it also sells handmade gifts that were either made by people who work there or from people around town. It is a great spot to study as well. I know I will be dragging Shannon and Taylor there the first Sunday morning of the fall semester; they will thank me later!
I had a great iced vanilla coffee that I finished quickly. This morning I was actually craving it. I had not had any coffee until this afternoon, and the only reason I had any at all was to try to help my headache... and it helped... I kind of think I am starting to rely on coffee to help me with my day. I need to start watching it so I do not end up depending on it to function. As much as I loveeeeee coffee, I do not think I need to have to drink it every day. Maybe being away and working will help me.
Speaking of being away, the next time I blog I will be in Black Mountains, NC. My time has finally come! Although I have not yet started packing,(oops) I have done some shopping with Grandma Mary to get myself ready for my time at Blue Ridge. I have loved spending time with her, and I will miss her this summer. With that being said, I will talk to you all in North Carolina!
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Spending Time Outside
Hello World,
Happy Sunday! Tomorrow starts another week and that means I am less than two weeks from North Carolina. I am so excited to begin my own adventure at Blue Ridge.
Yesterday, Ian and I went hiking at Starved Rock. It was a blast! I loved hiking and just enjoying the wonderful view from the top. Ian could not stop telling me what a great time he had. There were a lot of people, but the higher we got the less people there were. I cannot wait to go hiking again. Hopefully being in the Black Mountains will give me more opportunities to do so this summer.
I am already missing my friends from school. It's only been a couple weeks. They are just so much fun to be around and I cannot wait until I get to see them again. I was actually talking to my friend Josh today. He lives in Miami, FL and I am really glad we have become friends through IC. He was telling me how much he enjoys reading my blogs. He thinks they are interesting. It means a lot to me to hear that. It still surprises me when I have someone tell me they actually keep up and enjoy my blog. It makes me smile and I think it is just so cool. I started doing this for myself and just any family that wanted to keep up with me. I like reading their blogs so I thought I would start my own. It is a great way for me to end/start my week. However, the more I hear my friends say they read it, the more I realize I have a bigger audience then I thought.
I ended my Sunday with my parents, the Sgambelluri's, and Fr. Marty. We sat out on their porch, grilled, and just had a great evening. It put me in a very good mood. I really do like spending time with all of them. It has set me up for a good week. I am hoping to explore downtown Springfield with JT sometime this week; just something fun to do. Tomorrow I plan on finally giving my car a good clean. She is so dirty and it will be a great day to do it.
Happy Sunday! Tomorrow starts another week and that means I am less than two weeks from North Carolina. I am so excited to begin my own adventure at Blue Ridge.
Yesterday, Ian and I went hiking at Starved Rock. It was a blast! I loved hiking and just enjoying the wonderful view from the top. Ian could not stop telling me what a great time he had. There were a lot of people, but the higher we got the less people there were. I cannot wait to go hiking again. Hopefully being in the Black Mountains will give me more opportunities to do so this summer.
I am already missing my friends from school. It's only been a couple weeks. They are just so much fun to be around and I cannot wait until I get to see them again. I was actually talking to my friend Josh today. He lives in Miami, FL and I am really glad we have become friends through IC. He was telling me how much he enjoys reading my blogs. He thinks they are interesting. It means a lot to me to hear that. It still surprises me when I have someone tell me they actually keep up and enjoy my blog. It makes me smile and I think it is just so cool. I started doing this for myself and just any family that wanted to keep up with me. I like reading their blogs so I thought I would start my own. It is a great way for me to end/start my week. However, the more I hear my friends say they read it, the more I realize I have a bigger audience then I thought.
I ended my Sunday with my parents, the Sgambelluri's, and Fr. Marty. We sat out on their porch, grilled, and just had a great evening. It put me in a very good mood. I really do like spending time with all of them. It has set me up for a good week. I am hoping to explore downtown Springfield with JT sometime this week; just something fun to do. Tomorrow I plan on finally giving my car a good clean. She is so dirty and it will be a great day to do it.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
It's Summmmer
Hello World,
So I am finally home from school. I have been home for about two weeks, and it has been so nice not having to worry about school or homework. I am still waiting for grades to come out but I really do not think I have anything to worry about. It was a good semester/year and I was sad to see it end. I will begin the back half of undergrad in the fall. This does not seem possible, yet here I am...
About three days after I came home, the girls in my society went on our annual float trip: Spring Weekend. It is a great time to bond and really just spend time with my sisters in a different environment. I will miss all my sisters dearly this summer, especially with me being in North Carolina in about two weeks! It has all finally hit me that I will be gone for the summer. So far I have nothing but excitement for this adventure. Also over the summer I will need to keep my mind turning about our Rush season. It will begin around the last week of August and I need to make sure I do not leave anything out in my planning. I want to make sure that not only am I ready but my sisters are ready to pull in new members!
JT is in this final week of school which means I will have about a week of just him and me. I have some fun plans and I cannot wait unitl his finals are finished. He has taught himself how to play the guitar and I loveddddd coming home and having him play me a song. He has a ways to go but he seems to really love it and he is always practicing.
Alright, well until I back,
So I am finally home from school. I have been home for about two weeks, and it has been so nice not having to worry about school or homework. I am still waiting for grades to come out but I really do not think I have anything to worry about. It was a good semester/year and I was sad to see it end. I will begin the back half of undergrad in the fall. This does not seem possible, yet here I am...
About three days after I came home, the girls in my society went on our annual float trip: Spring Weekend. It is a great time to bond and really just spend time with my sisters in a different environment. I will miss all my sisters dearly this summer, especially with me being in North Carolina in about two weeks! It has all finally hit me that I will be gone for the summer. So far I have nothing but excitement for this adventure. Also over the summer I will need to keep my mind turning about our Rush season. It will begin around the last week of August and I need to make sure I do not leave anything out in my planning. I want to make sure that not only am I ready but my sisters are ready to pull in new members!
JT is in this final week of school which means I will have about a week of just him and me. I have some fun plans and I cannot wait unitl his finals are finished. He has taught himself how to play the guitar and I loveddddd coming home and having him play me a song. He has a ways to go but he seems to really love it and he is always practicing.
Alright, well until I back,
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Trying to Keep Up
Hello World,
Once again, school has been keeping me busy. I only have two weeks until I am finished with my second year. Two weeks ago we held our second annual Greek Week here at IC. While we did not win the overall week, my sisters and I had a blast participation and winning individual events! Sarah Knapp, leader of Greek life, always makes sure we are having the great time.
Last Sunday, we had our Phip Family Day. My mom and dad came over to help celebrate the day. JT was at home sick, unfortunately. We put on a production for them and performed our Greek Sing for them. We also had a nice lunch and a good speaker. It was really great showing them my society again. They know it means a lot to me.
Phips have been busy with service raising over $1,100 for both Big Brothers Big Sisters and Relay for Life. I am very proud we were able to do this for them.
I work a lot this week, have presentations, and papers due, and I am going to see Scotty McCreery this Friday! I am trying to make sure that I am in a good place so I can enjoy my night. It was a birthday present. Speaking of which, my birthday is in twelve days. In twelve days I will no longer be a teenager... I am trying to remain calm.
Until next time,
Once again, school has been keeping me busy. I only have two weeks until I am finished with my second year. Two weeks ago we held our second annual Greek Week here at IC. While we did not win the overall week, my sisters and I had a blast participation and winning individual events! Sarah Knapp, leader of Greek life, always makes sure we are having the great time.
Last Sunday, we had our Phip Family Day. My mom and dad came over to help celebrate the day. JT was at home sick, unfortunately. We put on a production for them and performed our Greek Sing for them. We also had a nice lunch and a good speaker. It was really great showing them my society again. They know it means a lot to me.
Phips have been busy with service raising over $1,100 for both Big Brothers Big Sisters and Relay for Life. I am very proud we were able to do this for them.
I work a lot this week, have presentations, and papers due, and I am going to see Scotty McCreery this Friday! I am trying to make sure that I am in a good place so I can enjoy my night. It was a birthday present. Speaking of which, my birthday is in twelve days. In twelve days I will no longer be a teenager... I am trying to remain calm.
Until next time,
Sunday, April 10, 2016
First Week of April
Hello World,
This past week has been very stressful and busy. From work, to tests and homework, to service events, I have not had much time to myself. I had my final Biology test of the semester, and I think I did pretty well. Also this week Sigma Phi Epsilon Literary Society raised over $1,100 for Big Brothers Big Sister for their Bowl for Kids Sake charity event! I am so proud of my sisters. Unfortunately, I could not be there to bowl because of work. I just keep telling myself I'll have a good pay check.
Saturday was very busy. I had an event that morning for Rush. I was simply just getting our name and information out to kids who are looking into coming to IC in the fall. However, later that day, Sigma Phi Epsilon held our second annual Kentucky Derby. It was a little cold out but standing in the sun was nice. I loved seeing everyone dressed up and having a good time. We held our event with our brothers, the men of Sigma Pi. I love getting together with them.
Anyway, today ended with work, a meeting, and me studying for my functions test in the morning. Wish me luck on that one...
This past week has been very stressful and busy. From work, to tests and homework, to service events, I have not had much time to myself. I had my final Biology test of the semester, and I think I did pretty well. Also this week Sigma Phi Epsilon Literary Society raised over $1,100 for Big Brothers Big Sister for their Bowl for Kids Sake charity event! I am so proud of my sisters. Unfortunately, I could not be there to bowl because of work. I just keep telling myself I'll have a good pay check.
Saturday was very busy. I had an event that morning for Rush. I was simply just getting our name and information out to kids who are looking into coming to IC in the fall. However, later that day, Sigma Phi Epsilon held our second annual Kentucky Derby. It was a little cold out but standing in the sun was nice. I loved seeing everyone dressed up and having a good time. We held our event with our brothers, the men of Sigma Pi. I love getting together with them.
Anyway, today ended with work, a meeting, and me studying for my functions test in the morning. Wish me luck on that one...
Friday, March 25, 2016
Life is Peachy Keen
Hello World!
Well in case you haven't noticed, the name of my blog has changed. I have decided to change it because I felt it was cute, different, and related to me in a better way. I wanted something more unique and something that stood out and could make people smile. So here is my attempt.
I have been MIA for the past couple of weeks. With spring break and school, it has been enough to keep me away from my blog. I am hoping that I will be able to better organized my time to allow myself to continue blogging at least once a week.
About two weeks ago IC had our spring break. I was very excited for this spring break because for the first time, I was actually going somewhere for spring break! A group of my sisters and I went to South Padre Island in Texas. We drove down and back (a grand total of 40 hours in the car), and we spent four days on the island. It was absolutely wonderful! A group of six of us went, and we had the time of our lives. We were on the beach every day, meet new friends and met up with some form school, went to pool parties, ate way to much food, and made memories to last a life time. I loved being at the beach, but my favorite part was honestly just bonding with my sisters for a week. I can honestly say that I have never laughed so much in my life. Most of us ended up leaving the island without a voice and came home sick, but we wouldn't trade it for anything. I am so grateful that I was able to be apart of this adventure with such great friends.
Being back at school has been fine. A lot has happened at IC, some good some bad, but I have been able to keep up without a problem. I am hoping to declare a minor in History before the end of the semester, witch is only about 4-5 weeks away... I never knew time could fly by so fast. Soon I will be in the back half of my undergrad and I am low key freaking out. I am ready for what life has to offer me, but I wish it would slow down just a little bit. My classes have been going well, and I still get excited for what they are able to teach me. They continue to hold my interest.
I am home for a couple of days for Easter break. It's really nice being home for Holy Week. Mom and dad love it, too. Tomorrow night, at the Easter Vigil, my friend Rachel will be coming into the Catholic Church. It is a very exciting time for not only her but my family as well. We have been helping her on her journey, since my mom is her sponsor, and we are all so excited to welcome her into the church. She is so ready and passionate about this process and her decision to join. WELCOME RACHEL!
Also, tonight at dinner, my grandma Mary was able to tell me all about her recent trip to Paris! I am so jealous and amazed that she got to go. She went with my cousin Katie and her family and I still hope that one day that will be me taking selfies next to the Eiffel Tower. But until then, I will continue having fun with my sisters, focusing my time on classes, and preparing myself for Blue Ridge.
Well in case you haven't noticed, the name of my blog has changed. I have decided to change it because I felt it was cute, different, and related to me in a better way. I wanted something more unique and something that stood out and could make people smile. So here is my attempt.
I have been MIA for the past couple of weeks. With spring break and school, it has been enough to keep me away from my blog. I am hoping that I will be able to better organized my time to allow myself to continue blogging at least once a week.
About two weeks ago IC had our spring break. I was very excited for this spring break because for the first time, I was actually going somewhere for spring break! A group of my sisters and I went to South Padre Island in Texas. We drove down and back (a grand total of 40 hours in the car), and we spent four days on the island. It was absolutely wonderful! A group of six of us went, and we had the time of our lives. We were on the beach every day, meet new friends and met up with some form school, went to pool parties, ate way to much food, and made memories to last a life time. I loved being at the beach, but my favorite part was honestly just bonding with my sisters for a week. I can honestly say that I have never laughed so much in my life. Most of us ended up leaving the island without a voice and came home sick, but we wouldn't trade it for anything. I am so grateful that I was able to be apart of this adventure with such great friends.
Being back at school has been fine. A lot has happened at IC, some good some bad, but I have been able to keep up without a problem. I am hoping to declare a minor in History before the end of the semester, witch is only about 4-5 weeks away... I never knew time could fly by so fast. Soon I will be in the back half of my undergrad and I am low key freaking out. I am ready for what life has to offer me, but I wish it would slow down just a little bit. My classes have been going well, and I still get excited for what they are able to teach me. They continue to hold my interest.
I am home for a couple of days for Easter break. It's really nice being home for Holy Week. Mom and dad love it, too. Tomorrow night, at the Easter Vigil, my friend Rachel will be coming into the Catholic Church. It is a very exciting time for not only her but my family as well. We have been helping her on her journey, since my mom is her sponsor, and we are all so excited to welcome her into the church. She is so ready and passionate about this process and her decision to join. WELCOME RACHEL!
Also, tonight at dinner, my grandma Mary was able to tell me all about her recent trip to Paris! I am so jealous and amazed that she got to go. She went with my cousin Katie and her family and I still hope that one day that will be me taking selfies next to the Eiffel Tower. But until then, I will continue having fun with my sisters, focusing my time on classes, and preparing myself for Blue Ridge.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Spending Summer 2016 in the Mountians
Growing up, my dad, aunts, and a couple cousins would tell me of their summers at YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly in Black Mountains, NC. They would spend their summers in college working at Blue Ridge, and they still say to this day that it was the best times of their lives. Blue Ridge has a summer program aimed at college students, and for the last couple years I have been thinking about how I would love to experience this for myself. Well my time has come! This past December I applied for a position at Blue Ridge. I was lucky enough that they contacted me and asked to set up a phone interview. We talked about why I wanted the job and how my family had influenced me and told me how wonderful it was. The man who interviewed me was very excited to hear how I had other family members work there and that I had actually been to Blue Ridge. After a long interview, I was offered a job working for Conference Services. Needless to say, I was over the moon excited to be given this opportunity. I have wanted to apply for such a long time now, and not only was I able to apply but I was offered a job.
My family is so excited and supportive, which is all I could ever ask for. I know being far away from them will be a new struggle for all of us, but I am positive that the excitement and joy that will come from this experience will help us get through. For you see, this job will require me to live in North Carolina for two months this summer. I will only be coming home for about three or four days for my dad's ordination to become a Deacon. Yes, I am nervous to not be near family for the first time, but the excitement is so overpowering that I am not yet worried about being homesick. I will be living in the mountains, meeting kids my age from all over the country and the world (along with others), and gaining new work experiences.
This week it has all become so real for me. I received an email finalizing the details about my travel and work being done when I am out there. I will leave a link to their website to help those who want to, to look into where I will be this summer. My goal is to go into this with an open mind and come out of it with great experiences, friends, and memories. I am so excited to be spending my summer in the mountains.
My family is so excited and supportive, which is all I could ever ask for. I know being far away from them will be a new struggle for all of us, but I am positive that the excitement and joy that will come from this experience will help us get through. For you see, this job will require me to live in North Carolina for two months this summer. I will only be coming home for about three or four days for my dad's ordination to become a Deacon. Yes, I am nervous to not be near family for the first time, but the excitement is so overpowering that I am not yet worried about being homesick. I will be living in the mountains, meeting kids my age from all over the country and the world (along with others), and gaining new work experiences.
This week it has all become so real for me. I received an email finalizing the details about my travel and work being done when I am out there. I will leave a link to their website to help those who want to, to look into where I will be this summer. My goal is to go into this with an open mind and come out of it with great experiences, friends, and memories. I am so excited to be spending my summer in the mountains.
Monday, February 22, 2016
Phip Formal!
Hello World!
This past Friday Sigma Phi Epsilon had our first formal! It was the first time we had ever held a formal just for ourselves and our dates. It was a lot of fun and everyone looked so good. Our theme was masquerade and we wore red, white, and black dresses. I loved getting ready for the dance with Shannon, Kat, Kitty, and Alex. I ended up wearing one of Shannon's dresses. I posted a lot of formal pictures on Facebook already. If you want to see them just go to my photos and find the album "Sig Phip." The formal came together really well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I was really happy to have Lindsay there this year because last year she couldn't go. I love getting pictures with her and sending them to my family. She is my grandmother's god-child and she was the one who introduced me to Phips. It has really helped me here at school, and it continues to help push me into becoming a better me.
Today I have been drowning in Biology homework, but I have been able to accomplish a lot. I feel good about classes right now, and I'm still hopeful that I will continue to keep raising my GPA. Besides that, nothing huge has been going on. We only have about two weeks until spring break and a little over a full month left of classes. With that and almost being 20, it has started to hit me that I will soon no longer be a teenager and I will almost be half way through undergrad...
This past Friday Sigma Phi Epsilon had our first formal! It was the first time we had ever held a formal just for ourselves and our dates. It was a lot of fun and everyone looked so good. Our theme was masquerade and we wore red, white, and black dresses. I loved getting ready for the dance with Shannon, Kat, Kitty, and Alex. I ended up wearing one of Shannon's dresses. I posted a lot of formal pictures on Facebook already. If you want to see them just go to my photos and find the album "Sig Phip." The formal came together really well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I was really happy to have Lindsay there this year because last year she couldn't go. I love getting pictures with her and sending them to my family. She is my grandmother's god-child and she was the one who introduced me to Phips. It has really helped me here at school, and it continues to help push me into becoming a better me.
Today I have been drowning in Biology homework, but I have been able to accomplish a lot. I feel good about classes right now, and I'm still hopeful that I will continue to keep raising my GPA. Besides that, nothing huge has been going on. We only have about two weeks until spring break and a little over a full month left of classes. With that and almost being 20, it has started to hit me that I will soon no longer be a teenager and I will almost be half way through undergrad...
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Meeting Amber
Hello World!
This week Illinois College brought in a speaker. I was able to listen and meet Amber Tamblyn. She is an actress, author, poet, and film director. Her first role was on the soap opera General Hospital when she was a child, followed by the series Joan of Arcadia, playing the lead. Her feature films include roles in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Grudge 2, The Ring, and 127 Hours. She also had a starring role on Two and a Half Men. It was really cool getting to hear her talk about how she grew up and how she was able to keep going without breaking down. Growing up in Hollywood is not easy and hearing how she was able to keep her head level was very interesting. She loves what she does and is not scared of people telling her no. I am grateful for IC for allowing me to learn from her.
This past week was the celebration of Mardi Gras! It is one of my favorite holidays simply because it is celebrated all over the world, and the vibe surrounding it is so much fun. (plus NOLA is my most favorite place on earth.) With Mardi Gras comes the beginning of another Lent season. This year I have decided to give up meat. As extreme as this sounds, it is something I want to do. I feel that I have not been diving head first into my relgion lately and think I need to do a little more to fully get back to where I need to be. My faith is important to me, so this really isn't a huge deal for me. I have been reading up on what I need to be doing and eating in order to maintain a healthy, non-meat life style.
Thank you for reading, and until next week...
This week Illinois College brought in a speaker. I was able to listen and meet Amber Tamblyn. She is an actress, author, poet, and film director. Her first role was on the soap opera General Hospital when she was a child, followed by the series Joan of Arcadia, playing the lead. Her feature films include roles in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Grudge 2, The Ring, and 127 Hours. She also had a starring role on Two and a Half Men. It was really cool getting to hear her talk about how she grew up and how she was able to keep going without breaking down. Growing up in Hollywood is not easy and hearing how she was able to keep her head level was very interesting. She loves what she does and is not scared of people telling her no. I am grateful for IC for allowing me to learn from her.
(Brandon, Sam, Amber, and I)
This past week was the celebration of Mardi Gras! It is one of my favorite holidays simply because it is celebrated all over the world, and the vibe surrounding it is so much fun. (plus NOLA is my most favorite place on earth.) With Mardi Gras comes the beginning of another Lent season. This year I have decided to give up meat. As extreme as this sounds, it is something I want to do. I feel that I have not been diving head first into my relgion lately and think I need to do a little more to fully get back to where I need to be. My faith is important to me, so this really isn't a huge deal for me. I have been reading up on what I need to be doing and eating in order to maintain a healthy, non-meat life style.
Thank you for reading, and until next week...
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Fun in SPE
Hello world!
This week has been filled with classes and work. Nothing too stressful, which has been nice.
At the end of last semester I was elected Rush Captain for Sigma Phi Epsilon (SPE). Our rush season doesn't start until we get back from summer break, but I have already started to plan. The head of Greek life here at IC has already set up a time for us to meet about it. She is very excited to start planning and honestly I am too. I have some ideas I want to being to the table along with keeping some old favorites.
Shannon and I had a lot of fun last time just hanging out with each other and some friends here on campus. We took a lot of pictures and just enjoyed the evening.
Tomorrow night we have our first literary production of the semester. SPE holds three every semester, having a different theme each semester. This production's theme is "Finding Yourself in Courage." I wrote a creative piece on how to love yourself again after a boy breaks your heart. My mom, dad, and brother are going to head over tomorrow night to come listen to me give my production. I'm excited to see them, but I am also nervous to present it in front of them. SO WISH ME LUCK!
This week has been filled with classes and work. Nothing too stressful, which has been nice.
At the end of last semester I was elected Rush Captain for Sigma Phi Epsilon (SPE). Our rush season doesn't start until we get back from summer break, but I have already started to plan. The head of Greek life here at IC has already set up a time for us to meet about it. She is very excited to start planning and honestly I am too. I have some ideas I want to being to the table along with keeping some old favorites.
Shannon and I had a lot of fun last time just hanging out with each other and some friends here on campus. We took a lot of pictures and just enjoyed the evening.
Tomorrow night we have our first literary production of the semester. SPE holds three every semester, having a different theme each semester. This production's theme is "Finding Yourself in Courage." I wrote a creative piece on how to love yourself again after a boy breaks your heart. My mom, dad, and brother are going to head over tomorrow night to come listen to me give my production. I'm excited to see them, but I am also nervous to present it in front of them. SO WISH ME LUCK!
Monday, February 1, 2016
Two days late. Yikes!
Hello world! Sorry to say that I am two days late at posting my weekly blog. It's just that nothing excited has really happened this past week. I went to classes and enjoyed them. I did however decide to drop my accounting class. I just did not feel it was the right fit for me. I did however pick up a history class that I love. The professor is great, but sadly this is his last semester her at IC. His class this semester is all about the Holocaust. I am hoping to get a lot out of it. If I'm not in class then I'm either doing homework or working. I cater for the school. I find myself very busy with classes and work.
So, for now I am signing off. Hopefully this week will have more exciting things to post about. PK
So, for now I am signing off. Hopefully this week will have more exciting things to post about. PK
Sunday, January 24, 2016
First week back and turning 100
Well I survived the first week of my new classes. They were not nearly as bad as I thought they would be. I like my professors and seem to understand what is happening in the classes. I am taking a math, bio (with lab), accounting, and a Spanish class this semester. My accounting class will defiantly be my toughest class because there is so much homework. But I am still hopeful for a good semester. This week I also officially declared a major in Biology with a focus on medical technology! Onto even later nights of studying and more homework and labs!
This past Friday (January 22) Sigma Phi Epsilon literary society turned 100! I have loved being a part of our 100th Anniversary. Phips has given me so much over the past year and I will forever be grateful for it. I am hoping to post an extra blog this week to better explain what a literary society is here at Illinois College and what we stand for.
On a different note, this week I had a friend pass away here at IC. She was driving to class after the snowfall and lost control when her car hit ice. Please keep her and her family in your prayers and remember to drive carful in this weather.
Thank you again for following me this week trough this blog. Remember to hug the ones you love and keep wishing for warmer weather. PK
This past Friday (January 22) Sigma Phi Epsilon literary society turned 100! I have loved being a part of our 100th Anniversary. Phips has given me so much over the past year and I will forever be grateful for it. I am hoping to post an extra blog this week to better explain what a literary society is here at Illinois College and what we stand for.
Roommates (left to right): me, Kat, Shannon, Abbie,
all members of Sigma Phi Epsilon!
Thank you again for following me this week trough this blog. Remember to hug the ones you love and keep wishing for warmer weather. PK
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Starting a New Semester
Today, I have finally moved back into my dorm! I have been waiting for this day for four long weeks. I have enjoyed spending break with my family. It has been wonderful.
Over break, I have learned a lot about myself and feel that I have grown even closer to my parents. They are one of my biggest blessing. It is so nice to know that they are standing behind me through every path I decide to go down. I have so much planned for this year already and I am so grateful for their support.
I had a very important interview this past week. It was one of the most enjoyable interviews I have ever experienced, and it went so well. I will post in a later blog about the job and what it could entail. For now I will just say it is a dream job for me right now. I could not be happier to even get the chance to apply.
I also found out this week that a group of friends from school and I will be enjoying spring break at the beach! We are very excited for this bonding experience and to be some place warm. This will be my first long trip with a group of girl friends. I will post later about where and who is going! That will be a whole blog in its self
Growing up, my dad read me the Harry Potter books every night before I went to bed. It was my favorite part of growing up. I have enjoyed the movies so much, and I love following the actors and actresses on their social media. One of the most iconic characters, Snape, was played by Alan Rickman and he sadly past away this week. He was a wonderful actor who was killed by cancer. Many of you probably know of this, but I was so shocked to hear of his passing. May he rest easy.
Being back at Illinois College is so nice. We start classes on Tuesday and I feel so prepared. This semester will push me, but I am so ready to tackle it. I want to prove to myself that I can get out of this semester with the best grades. Though, any prayers you would like to send my way wouldn't hurt!
Until next week... PK
Over break, I have learned a lot about myself and feel that I have grown even closer to my parents. They are one of my biggest blessing. It is so nice to know that they are standing behind me through every path I decide to go down. I have so much planned for this year already and I am so grateful for their support.
I had a very important interview this past week. It was one of the most enjoyable interviews I have ever experienced, and it went so well. I will post in a later blog about the job and what it could entail. For now I will just say it is a dream job for me right now. I could not be happier to even get the chance to apply.
I also found out this week that a group of friends from school and I will be enjoying spring break at the beach! We are very excited for this bonding experience and to be some place warm. This will be my first long trip with a group of girl friends. I will post later about where and who is going! That will be a whole blog in its self
Growing up, my dad read me the Harry Potter books every night before I went to bed. It was my favorite part of growing up. I have enjoyed the movies so much, and I love following the actors and actresses on their social media. One of the most iconic characters, Snape, was played by Alan Rickman and he sadly past away this week. He was a wonderful actor who was killed by cancer. Many of you probably know of this, but I was so shocked to hear of his passing. May he rest easy.
Being back at Illinois College is so nice. We start classes on Tuesday and I feel so prepared. This semester will push me, but I am so ready to tackle it. I want to prove to myself that I can get out of this semester with the best grades. Though, any prayers you would like to send my way wouldn't hurt!
Until next week... PK
Sunday, January 10, 2016
No more wisdom?
What a week... I had all four of my wisdom pulled out last Tuesday. Little did I know that getting them out was the easy part. Three days after no sleeping, a sore month, and a swollen face I learned that I had a dry socket. Now if you have never experienced a dry socket, consider yourself the luckiest person in the world. I have done absolutely nothing all week and it is staring to get to me. I have may things to accomplish this week before I go back to school, and I am so excited for an excuse to leave the house.
While I have loved having momma johna around me 24/7, I think it is safe to say we are both ready for a normal week. I could not have gotten through this week with her and daddy keen (:
As for the upcoming week, I plan on keeping myself busy and getting a lot accomplished! I am so so excited to drive back to school on Sunday and to be back in my own dorm with my best friend and roommate, Shannon!! I have high expectations for myself this semester and I am ready to get started. xoxo
While I have loved having momma johna around me 24/7, I think it is safe to say we are both ready for a normal week. I could not have gotten through this week with her and daddy keen (:
As for the upcoming week, I plan on keeping myself busy and getting a lot accomplished! I am so so excited to drive back to school on Sunday and to be back in my own dorm with my best friend and roommate, Shannon!! I have high expectations for myself this semester and I am ready to get started. xoxo
Monday, January 4, 2016
Social Media
Social Media has become a huge part of everyday life. It is a way for us to stay connected. I use social media to stay in touch with family and friends who no longer live close. I also like to use it has a form of entertainment and as a way for me to stay up to date on news topics. I find social media to be a positive part of my life. Staying connected and up to date with different family members is why I love it. It is also the same reason why I have started this blog. Being connected to the people I love and the world around me is why I keep up with social media.
*I use Facebook to post and store my pictures and to share videos and articles I find funny and/or important.
*I use Instagram as a way to show my life in pictures. You can find me by looking for the user name, pollypocket_keen
*I use Twitter has a way to express myself in 140 characters or less. I find myself to be more open here. You can find me by looking for the user name, @polly_keen
I use this blog to tell my story. This is where I will write and post the most. My goal is to post every Sunday about myself, my family and I at home, and even what my college friends and roommates are up to. This is my way of helping you connect and stay up to date with me. xoxo
*I use Facebook to post and store my pictures and to share videos and articles I find funny and/or important.
*I use Instagram as a way to show my life in pictures. You can find me by looking for the user name, pollypocket_keen
*I use Twitter has a way to express myself in 140 characters or less. I find myself to be more open here. You can find me by looking for the user name, @polly_keen
I use this blog to tell my story. This is where I will write and post the most. My goal is to post every Sunday about myself, my family and I at home, and even what my college friends and roommates are up to. This is my way of helping you connect and stay up to date with me. xoxo
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Hello World!
Welcome to my blog. I have always enjoyed reading what my family has been up to, and I am hoping this will be my way for them to keep up with me. xoxo
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