When I look back at my summer at Blue Ridge, I know I did it right. I love the people I met, my working environment was fun, and I went on great adventures that Illinois cannot give me. It's so surreal to think I am already home. I remember telling my family last Thanksgiving that I as applying, and right after New Years I did just that. So thank you to Jordan Domin for hiring me! There is no other way I would have wanted to spend my summer. I feel like working at Blue Ridge has also brought me closer to family members who I don't get to see vey often (because of distance). I have loved talking to them about their time in the mountains and sharing stories.
Last Wednesday I was able to go white water rafting with USA Raft. It was such a great time! Our guide, Tori, was awesome and the views were beautiful! I really wish I was able to do it more often. I think it is becoming one of my favorite things to do. I was in the very front of the boat, and I think that's the most fun part. I loved paddling and getting splashed by the river. I kept wishing there was some way for me to take pictures. Maybe I need to invest in a water proof camera. There's nothing that compares.
My dad and brother came and picked me up. They stayed a few days on the mountains, so on Friday we went to Biltmore Estate. Let me tell you, if you ever have the chance to visit please do! It was my second time going and I am even more in love with it. The history behind it is amazing, and the details put into the house are so cool. The things they were able to accomplish during that time was mind blowing. It was built by George Vanderbilt II in the late 1800s and remains the largest privately owned home in the United States. Everything in the house comes from some other part of the world. George went around and brought things back that he thought would work well in his home. It was also one of the first homes to have electricity. I could get lost for hours just looking and reading and asking questions, but hopefully you will be able to experience it one day.
*dad and I in front on their observing ramp*
One of the big jokes in the office this summer was me trying to see a Black Bear. I kept an eye out all summer. There were two or three families of bears that were living on the campuse. It seemed liked everyone else was able to spot them but me. I would go on truck rides at night to try to see one and people would even try to race me back to the spot where they had just seen one. I'm disappointed to say that I never saw one. I just wanted to be able to say I saw the bear in it's home. I think that would have been the coolest thing ever. I guess that just means I have to go back soon and look some more!
My last night there I stayed up until 3:00am and just talked about my summer. I had to be in the car by 6:00am but it was so worth it. I loved looking over the summer with my new friends; friends who I know I will have with me forever. I didn't expect to connect with the staff like I did. The memories I have with them will always be on the mind. Muhammed made fun of me when I tried to learn Turkish (which is one of the hardest languages I have come across), Egor won't tell me every day how I have the best and softest hair he has ever seen, Zoradia won't come walking in with the cutest outfits all the time, Travis tried so hard to help me understand how the Pokémon game worked (which I am getting better at), I won't get to lay on Alyssa's bed listening to her awesome music with Olivia, Kadie won't be making fun of Andrew and get me laughing harder than I needed to, and Leah won't be giving me anymore massages for a long time... These moments will stay with me. Their faces will forever be in my head. I am so lucky to have social media to keep up with them. I am also hoping that my roommate, Tew, will be able to write to me once she is home. I know everyone is where they need to be tough. I think that's why I haven't sob yet. I wish more than anything that I will be able to not only visit my American friends but those in Turkey and Spain and Russia and so on... It has sparked a fire in me that I need to help build. So thank you to everyone on the mountain for giving me the most amazing summer. I hope to see you soon.
*Tew and I with Muhammed photobombing*
I want to also say thank you to my mom, dad, and grandma Mary for sending me love packages this summer, and to Shannon and Josh for their letters. It was fun getting them (:
It was nice coming home to family though. I was able to see everyone at once. My aunt Kathy had her family all together (minus Tommy who was working). Megan brought her adorable family over to celebrate Vivi's first birthday! She and the twins are getting so big and cute. Katie is home from Switzerland with her girls. I have not been able to see them since Christmas and it was so so wonderful to see them! Just playing and hugging on the girls made me so happy. I know they are where the need to be, but it will so great to finally have them home in a year. And of course my mom was over the moon happy to have me back. I know this wasn't easy for her, but it means the world to me that she has been so supportive.
I have been able to post and write about my experience at Blue Ridge and I encourage anyone who wants to, to checkout my earlier blogs and my album "Blue Ridge '16" on Facebook. I tried to capture my summer the best I could. I know I will spend days going back and reminiscing on my time spent with amazing people.
*dad, JT, and I on High Top (a hiking trail at Blue Ridge)*
I was able to read a lot this summer. I loved it. Ian even surprised me by mailing me two of the new books I had my eyes on. I finished one of them already called All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda. This is a great book for anyone who loves mystery novels with a twist. I am currently reading Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler. This one is about a girl moving to NYC for the first time. I am liking it so far, but I may be putting it one hold. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child came out last night! I will most likely be picking up my copy this week (and also finishing it). This just brings back memories of daddy keen reading Harry Potter to me every night growing up. It will Always stick with me...

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